Accounting and Tax Articles

Aug 30, 2024
The home office tax deduction is basically a business use of a space in your home that you can write off on your taxes. Writing a portion of your home off on your taxes will help with offsetting your taxable income. The “home office” space can be...
Nov 22, 2021
Inherited money is when someone dies and they pass along either cash, real estate, stocks, an IRA account, or a brokerage account. We are going to look at what the tax treatment is and what you need to do to maximize your tax effectiveness.
Jul 26, 2021

Statute of LimitationsThe IRS has a 6-year statute of limitations for filing taxes. If you have not filed in 6 years or less, you can still get those returns filed. If it has been longer than 6 years, you should seek the advice of a CPA, an...

Jul 12, 2021

Tax Refunds Explained: How Do Tax Refunds Work?Understanding tax refunds is key to managing your finances effectively. A tax refund occurs when you have paid more in taxes throughout the year than your actual tax liability. While getting a big tax...